Onsu - "Sienna" Living Room Collection- This living room collection comes with 26 pieces. It is a full collection with everything you need to decor your living room. It comes in either PG or Adult.
Onsu- Pacific Skybox
LI- 64
Key Features:
- 3 Bedrooms and 1 and a half bathrooms. - Infinity pool featuring 30+ lounging animations - Luxurious glossy wood paneling in 5 colors in the corner bedroom. - Polished concrete accent walls in 2 Bedrooms (6 and 7 Colors each). - Optional custom rugs in each bedroom (4 Colors + On/Off Toggle). - Large modern frameless glass windows. - Marble accents throughout. - Modern stone flooring (materials enabled). - Optional backdrop (in 7 flavors) - Large marble wraparound fireplace.
What Next- Harvest Cheese Board- (optional dispenser of cheese & wine), includes small plate and glass of red wine decor.